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Housekeeping Jobs In New York - A Better Place To Work?

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

If you work as a housekeeper, or have been considering starting in this field, you'll likely never have trouble finding work. Housekeepers at all levels are in demand all over the country. The real key to making it in this role, however, is to find a job that pays more than the average salary.

One place where this is easy to accomplish is in New York State. In fact you could make as much as $16,000 per year more by choosing to work in NY. Not only is the average salary higher, but the job outlook is excellent as well. With the growth in tourism and industry in New York, this isn't expected to change anytime soon.

Let's briefly take a look at why New York is so much better for those who work in housekeeping.

Housekeeping Salary Comparisons If you are just starting out with your career, in most places in the US, you could expect a starting salary of about $17, 000 per year. In New York, that number goes up to $33,000. That's $16,000 per year more for a starting wage. The differences do not stop there. As you progress in your career you can still expect to earn a higher salary when you live in the New York area. If you moved up to a housekeeping supervisor, for example, the average salary in the US is $29,000/year. In New York, you could expect earn an additional $10,000 for the same role.

Job Outlook for New York Wherever you go in the US you likely won't have any trouble find work in housekeeping. The simple fact is that as long as there are homes and businesses there will be need for people to help keep things clean. Even with that, the outlook in New York is even better. New York unemployment rates are at an all time low. With this comes a higher demand for employees in almost every field. Couple a low unemployment rate, with a high rate of tourism, and for housekeepers you get an ideal job outlook. It creates a more competitive environment, where employers fight for employees, rather than employees begging for a job.

To put it simply: hotels, motels, and businesses have a real need for qualified housekeepers. To find them, in New York at least, higher salaries, better benefits, and other incentives are offered. With the difficulty in getting employees, a more lenient work environment can also be expected.

Conclusion Whether you already are an experienced housekeeper or just starting out, you will have no trouble finding work in the New York area. You can also expect to earn well above what the average salary is. For anyone considering a career in this field New York is definitely the place to start.

Rita Henry is a contributing editor to Get Housekeeping Jobs, a leading job site for the Housekeeping Industry. For more information about housekeeping jobs in New York and housekeeping salaries in New York visit Get Housekeeping Jobs today!


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